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How To Communicate That You Really Want A Job

Written by BWBacon | Jun 15, 2016 7:58:35 PM

You might be surprised how often someone doesn’t get a job because the interviewer never gets the sense that the applicant actually wants the job.  We don't have metrics on that, but we hear it often enough - "the candidate didn't convey that they really wanted the role".

An interview provides both parties - the prospective candidate and employer - the opportunity to qualify each other.  If an employer's offer letter is the ultimate 'we want you', good candidates have their way of saying first, 'I want you'....

If a killer company is in a position of choice to hire a key resource, and you're in the running, you need to let them know you want the job. So here’s some things to think about when you find yourself in this position.

Be Vulnerable But Confident

It’s one thing to say “I really want this job”. It’s quite another to make that announcement a pivotal and lasting moment in the hiring dialogue that shows real gumption, and that demonstrates real sincerity.

Communicating that you really want a job requires a bit of vulnerability and courage. It’s like leaning in for the first kiss after a date – you’re putting yourself and your desires out there transparently, and with risk of failure.  But it also shows confidence because it shows that you’re not afraid of the rejection or, better yet, you simply don’t think you’ll be rejected.

Wait For Qualification

Just like that first kiss, though, don’t leap straight into the “I want this job” part. Wait for the interview to be over, for the process to truly take shape. Wait to be sure that there really is alignment between what the company is offering and what you need to be professionally successful. Proclaiming you want the job won't be well-received unless those hiring know that you have educated yourself first.  Otherwise you risk coming off as desperate and that’s not a good look.

Connect Yourself To The Company

When you communicate that you really want the job, be sure to connect your reasons to important aspects of both yourself and the company.  It has to more than salary you like about the potential position.

Let the employer know that you’ve educated yourself on their company and you connect with it in some way, whether it’s the mission statement, the purpose of the product, or the vision of the leadership. There are almost always applicants with similar skills so make sure the interviewer knows that you’re more than just your skills and your goals and ideals align with the company’s. This has to come naturally - alignment should have a certain feeling of being meant to be.

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Be Genuine 

Nothing fails to communicate authentic desire to get a job than an impersonal follow-up. If you really want a job, put in the time to show that you care.

Reflect on the little moments in the interview that affected you, those that cemented your desire to work for this company. Even if they’re simple, like the friendly way you were greeted when you entered the office or the care the interviewer put into their responses to your questions, you’ll show that the interviewer and the process meant something to you.

Finally, A Word On Thank-You Notes

Thank-you notes are a common, traditional way of communicating that you appreciated the opportunity to interview and to show interest. Many people enjoy receiving them but they can come off as impersonal and/or habitual unless you put some thought into distinguishing yours from the others the employer might receive. Make sure your thank-you notes reflect you and set you apart from the pack, whatever that means to you.

Looking for More Resources?

Explore our Resources for Candidates category for more blogs on interviewing, negotiating offers, and career development!

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