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Office Disruption -- Defeating The Ultimate Productivity Killer

Written by Bailey Crumpton | Dec 1, 2019 8:10:56 PM

In the classic arcade game ‘Space Invaders,’ endless hordes of enemy invaders advance towards a lone battle craft. It’s charged with defending the galaxy from disruption and total annihilation. Piloted by our intrepid hero and armed to the teeth with every manner of polygonal laser technology, this ship is fully equipped to take on the seemingly impossible task at hand.

As you bravely fend off the alien armada, an overwhelming sense of impending doom comes with a rush of adrenaline. Not to mention, plenty of anxiety followed by a sense of accomplishment as you defeat your faceless foes. 

We offer this 8-bit nostalgia trip as a depiction of what it can feel like working in an open-office environment. There are plenty of excellent modern amenities that, in turn, open the door for naturally occurring disruptions. You’ve got everything you need to get the job done, but those pesky space invaders come in and disrupt your whole plan. Emails, social media notifications, meetings, noisy desk neighbors, ‘Karen’ telling you her life story again, wait, what’s that on the ceiling? Hmm, I wonder if there are donuts in the kitchen? Ah-ha! Just like that, you’re already behind schedule.  

To help avoid this common office plague, we're showing you a disruption and how to avoid it. 

Boosting Productivity By Avoiding Common Office Disruptions 

Never-Ending Emails


Checking your email is likely one of the first things you do in the morning at work. We take an estimated 1.1 minutes to check one email. The average office worker receives about 88 emails per day. Open each one, and you just burned an hour and a half!


Stop sending mass emails. Chad from HR doesn’t need the details on your latest marketing project. You should only post what’s required to who needs the info. Some apps and tools help filter your ‘Inbox’ clutter to automate the process and save you valuable time.

Cell Phone Fomo


Most people check their phones 58 times a day, with 30 of those being during work hours.

Cell phones are a modern marvel of technology. Lighting fast processing power at the palm of your hands but also, TikTok? We’re not here to tell you cell phones are the problem with society, but they are an obstacle to your overall productivity. You might be on a roll getting things done and then, *Ding! “What’s this, I matched with who?”


Schedule ‘productivity’ blocks. Silence notifications or turn off your phone for 30 minutes so you can knock out that spreadsheet uninterrupted. The world can wait while you get your to-do list finished. 

Co-Working Spaces


If you work in a large coworking space, you can relate to the constant flow of activity and disruptions, everything from ping-pong tournaments to parties to loud building maintenance.  While access to amenities like ping pong and an open kitchen is great for meeting new people and sharing meals, it can be hard to avoid the temptation of socializing all day.


Figure out your best break cycle- studies have shown people are often more productive if they are taking short breaks throughout the day.  Especially in bustling coworking spaces, try setting a goal to be productive during your most energetic hours of the day, then take a break during the slumps, every 90 minutes is recommended.

When you do take a break, enjoy it! Do lunch, ping pong, saying hi to folks around the office, but then get right back to your own work/break pace.

Social Media Scrolling


Yes, social media gets its spot. It’s arguably one of the biggest culprits of workflow disruption. This can be especially difficult for someone who can’t focus until those small red dots and bells are all checked.


Many office jobs require you to be active on social media. For example, LinkedIn tends to be an active workplace networking device. But don’t spend too much time scrolling. Log in, share your post, check your messages, log off, and get back to work!

Co-Worker Pals 


There are all kinds of friendly co-workers who may or may not realize they are getting in the way of your work with their small talk. Look, we get it. We value our office friendships so much around here. Heck, many times, they’re sharing valuable information but chose the wrong time to do it. Now, if you’re saying to yourself, “I don’t know anyone like that in my office.” Well, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you, Mr. Chatty Charlie. 


There are some simple ways to show others that you are busy without telling them to get lost. Wearing headphones while working is one way to stay focused and display that you are currently preoccupied. What happens if you forgot your earbuds, and you are trapped in some standard-issue chit-chat? Once it’s clear that this convo is going to drag on too long, you can politely offer something like, “I’d love to talk more, but I need to finish this report.”

Being honest and upfront should express to them that you are busy without coming off as rude. If the exchange is work-related, you could ask them to set a meeting with you later on when your schedule is free. It shows them that you are busy but also value their input.  

A workplace disruption is nothing new and won’t be going away anytime soon. Now that you understand a few of the most disruptive areas hindering your productivity, we hope you have a strategy in place to help you stay on track. Here’s to staying focused, getting things done, and crushing it at the office.

Here at BWBacon Group, we know and live what you are experiencing as an employer or job seeker in Denver, Boulder, Dallas, San Francisco, New York City or any of the other cities we work in. We believe great recruiting starts and ends with understanding people.

If you have any questions about living, working or playing any of the areas we serve, please contact us. We are happy to help. Seize the day, every day, that’s what we say!