for clients

Why Boulder Placement Is Great For A Tech Company HQ

Posted on September 18, 2019 by BWBacon.

Boulder is a great place for any company to be, but it's really great for tech companies. Not only is Boulder it's own little self-sustaining tech eco-system, but you are also less than 40 minutes to Denver. So you get a very intimate, small-town vibe but you can still benefit from Denver's economy […]

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3 Relo Partners In Denver Who Get Tech & Software Relocation

Posted on September 16, 2019 by BWBacon.

Denver is changing and growing... Fast! Tower cranes are all across the city building new structures. In fact, the most recent count we found says there were 28 tower cranes across the city of Denver, which is two more than San Francisco even. For some that might be "too much change/growth," but we seem […]

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The Colorado Sports Culture & Options Are Glorious, Here's Why

Posted on September 3, 2019 by BWBacon.

Sports, to me, is a lot like music. The language of sports is a common language, a fan is a fan, no matter our race or background, and like music, sport unites us across our borders. Even with our hated rivalries, we love to hate them. But honestly many times we appreciate their strengths (even while we […]

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The Difference Between Diversity And Inclusion In Tech

Posted on August 26, 2019 by BWBacon.

This one is close to our hearts. We've have talked with over 35,000 tech professionals throughout the life of BWBacon and too many times today we see companies focusing on diversity statistics without the necessary equal weight on the teams feeling of inclusion as a whole. Sometimes it's easy to even […]

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Software Talent Retention In Denver -- How To Fight The Challenges

Posted on August 22, 2019 by BWBacon.

You’ve heard (maybe even felt) the angst around sourcing and retaining skilled talent in the Colorado tech scene. We’re a thriving market, which is fantastic, right? Yes, 100%, but it can also cause issues around talent retention, especially when the big guys start vying after your A-list superstars.

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