resources for entrepreneurs

Keeping Talent At Tech Startups Happy - What Works?

Posted on July 18, 2019 by BWBacon.

Keeping talent at any company is difficult, but the pressures of a startup cause that employee churn rate to go one of two ways. Many newly founded tech companies struggle to keep anyone around for more than 12 months... Money (or running out of money), stress, time commitments, and inexperienced […]

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Sourcing Tech Talent In Colorado -- What's Working Here?

Posted on June 21, 2019 by BWBacon.

It's no secret, sourcing tech talent in Colorado is getting harder. We even wrote a whole post on why that was happening not too long ago. People are moving in from higher cost areas and it's inflating our housing market.  On top of that, mega tech companies are moving in with millions of revenues or […]

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AI Tools To Boost Your Tech & Software Recruiting Success

Posted on June 9, 2019 by BWBacon.

Machine learning, AI, and AI tools are finding their way into almost every element of our lives these days. Chef Watson can help you make amazing recipes and John Deere is using it to help machines decide which plants to apply pesticides onto. BBC allows you to have a dramatic storytelling experience […]

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10 Strategies For Retaining Talent -- Keep Your Tech Resources!

Posted on May 23, 2019 by BWBacon.

(Updated May 2024)

With software developer turnover rate being the highest of any industry (13.2%), making sure you do everything you can to keep your tech rockstars is definitely top of mind. Perhaps an explanation is an overall theme of employee dissatisfaction in tech as compared to other industries. […]

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When To Add Contract Recruiters Into The Tech Team Building Approach

Posted on May 16, 2019 by BWBacon.

Ok, bear with us for a minute. We know this post could come off as very "salesy" considering we are a recruiting partner. We are also well aware that there are certain times where contract recruiters are less valuable or even redundant. Fear not, we are trying to help set baseline criteria for when the […]

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